This directory is a source of information on products and services available in the Marlow and High Wycombe area, with most of the providers based in the local area. The directory is open to both business and non-commercial organisations.
Looking for a Product, Service or Organisation:
You can select a specific category from the 'Directory Index' page, 'Browse the complete Directory', or use the 'Search box' (4 letters or more). The Directory is continually growing, so if you don't find what you're looking for on this visit, please visit again later.
If you do contact a business or organisation listed in this site, please mention you saw them here.
If you have any comments about using the directory, whether it's a good experience, constructive suggestion or an issue, please let me know by email.
Including your Business or Organisation:
Advertising your business or organisation in this directory is simple and very good value. Proceeds from Entries go to a local charity. To submit your entry please use the online form. There is a human in the process, happy to answer any questions.
If your organisation is a charity, please contact me by email with a few details to find out about concessions.
©Copyright terms:
All content of this website is subject to copyright. If you want to use anything from this site for your own publication/site, please email your request to, who will check with the source.