Directory: , The directory, the owner and administrator of the directory.
The entry (advertisement) by a business or organisation in the Directory.
The person, business or organisation providing and paying for the Entry.
Association: This Directory is created and administered by Kelvin Warne Services, as is the Marlow Town Centre Guide , This Directory is not associated with any hard copy or other online directory.
If you have any questions or comments about any of these Terms and Conditions, please let me know:
Privacy of data: Information to be published in the directory is clearly labelled as such in the input form. Any other information is solely used in the administration of the entry and is not passed on to any third party.
The Entry is published in the Directory as soon as possible after submission and payment. An email is sent to the Client when the Entry is published. The time period for each Entry starts from the date of the Entry first appearing in the Directory.
In order to keep the Category listing concise and user friendly, the Directory may use a more generic category than that input by the Client. Categories may be consolidated as the list grows.
The content of each Entry is provided by and is the responsibility of the Client. The Directory will aim to replicate the content provided by the Client in the published Entry.
The Directory does, however, reserve the right not to include whole or part of an entry. If an Entry is not included in the directory any payment made will, of course, be refunded.
If an Entry is modified by the Directory, the Client is invited to review and feedback within seven days; the Directory will endeavour to make any appropriate adjustments to the Clients satisfaction. After the seven day period, if no feedback from the Client has been received the Entry is considered agreed. In the unlikely event that a Client, who has raised a concern within the seven day period, is not satisfied with the result, the entry will be removed and payment will be refunded.
After an Entry has been published for more than seven days, there may be a modest charge for changes.
The Directory aims to be as accurate as possible; if there are any errors, the Directory will correct these as soon as possible after being notified by the Client. The Directory is unable to accept responsibility for any loss or damage resulting from the use of information in the Directory.
Your legal rights are, of course, not affected by these Terms and Conditions.